Title:Beechcraft Baron 58 Breitling Breit58a.zip
Author: Donald L. Derwin Wi. U.S.A.
E-mail: donaldderwin@netscape.net
Date: Nov 23 Sunday 11:05 AM Central time 2003
License: Freeware Aircraft
Sim: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002/2004

1)I would copy the de-fault Baron 58.
2)Overwrite the textures that are in the texure folder with mine.
3)Overwrite The Aircraft.cfg and .Air files
4)Use my folder name for the Aircraft folder.
5)Overwrite my panel.cfg into the panel folder.
6)Put my gauges into the Main gauges folder in flight Simulator.

in the type I have just put beechcraft in front of the Baron if you try to find the plane in the menu.

ui_type=Beechcraft Baron 58